Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tuesday, January 24th.

This past week has been a sunny display of days, and hot temperatures (a balmy -5 Celcius) a regular spring break as the locals call it. When you consider that the winter road is being set up, (there is a private company that builds a road over the frozen lakes) everyone is calling for the lower temperatures so land/frozen lake access can be opened. All sorts of shortages are popping up, the story is the same: "We're waiting for the winter road to open, to ship....."

Meanwhile, these beautiful sunny days have seen lots of walks and outdoor exercise. Ricardo and Nanook went out on a picture taking expedition, and got some good shots. This one particularly, gives the idea of the depth of the snow, where he literally bounces like a ball to make headway, somewhat of a frog-like method but quite effective.

On the inside, Moopy the cat enjoys his Christmas present: a cat bed. He has become quite the expert snake (a boot lace with a couple of knots...) catcher, a game we play every chance we get. He particularly enjoys our last twirl, where I shake the snake from one side of the bed to the other, and he pounces after it....He's become so addicted to the game that he follows me around and mews at any time.
We were commenting with Ricardo, what good company pets are in these northern areas, where the days can get quite lonely....
At the school, my days are getting quite busy with my two hats (teacher/principal), but I'm enjoying the challenge...


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